
maandag 21 december 2015

Berlin drastically enlarges culture budgets

By/ door Hans Kuiper

In sharp contrast to the situation in The Netherlands, that used to have a reputation of strongly supporting the arts (financially) but which budgets are now plummeting, in Germany culture budgets keep on rising.

After the highering of the national budgets for culture now also the City of Berlin is enlarging the budgets for culture, including the "Freie Szene' , a cooperative of independent producers in fine arts, dance, theatre etc.

A press conference of the Koalition der Freien Szene', a coalition of independent art initiators

The total culture budget of Berlin in 2016 rises with 33 million euro to around 505.3 million euro (a rise of around 7%). In 2017 this will continue to rise with 50 million euro to 522.3 million euro (a rise of 10.6%).

The 'Freie Szene's' budget rises in 2016 7.5 million euro, in 2017 to 9.5 million euro. Together with a contribution out of the city tax (a tax originally intended for financing independent culture, but now also financing the 'creative industry'), the budget will raise to 10 (2016) and 12 million euros in 2017, in Berlin, for the independent producers.

This is the result of years long lobbying, working and organising, partly of the "Koalition der Freie Szene' , a network of independent culture producers.

Being in Berlin several times this year, I had the luck of being a witness to some meetings of the independent scene, preparing press conferences for making their voices heard and articulating the view points of an important part responsible for the attraction of Berlin, nationally and internationally.

For the people who understand German, you can get more information following the links mentioned below.

Berlin finance programs for fine arts.


In tegenstelling tot Nederland gaan kunstbudgetten in Duitsland nog verder (drastisch) omhoog. Na een nationale verhoging van het het cultuurbudget 'Bundesweit', stelt de stad Berlijn het komende jaar 10 miljoen euro en het jaar daarna 12 miljoen euro ter beschikking van de 'Freie Szene der Stadt' , de onafhankelijke cultuurproducenten in beeldende kunst (art spaces), dans, theater etc.

Het totale cultuur budget van Berlin in 2016 gaat met 33 miljoen euro omhoog tot 505.3 miljoen euro (een toename van ongeveer 7%). In 2017 stijgt dit budget verder tot 522.3 miljoen euro (een stijging van 10.6% ten opzichte van 2015).

Dit, na jarenlang lobbywerk, is een mooi eerste resultaat.

Meer info in het Duits via de website van de Berlijnse senaat.

Meer info (in het Duits) bijv. via Nachtkritik